Business Volunteers, Inspiring Young Lives

Sophie ArupBusiness Volunteers

Global Community Investment Executive at Clyde & Co LLP

“I began working with Tower Hamlets EBP just over a year ago, however, Clyde & Co’s support for the EBP’s reading programme goes back over a decade and in 2014 we set up our first business mentoring programme with Stepney Green Sixth Form.


Each year, we participate in two long duration academic programmes – the Reading Programme with Osmani Primary School and Business Mentoring with Stepney Green Sixth Form. The popularity of the schemes means we always  have many new volunteers wishing to take part alongside returning volunteers. The programmes are conveniently timed so that they take place either over lunchtime or in our office and this works exceptionally well for staff who may have more limited time. Our volunteers also lead the BEE programme at Osmani Primary School. This gives our staff the opportunity to invite clients to volunteer with them if they wish. This provides us with a great client engagement opportunity, and aids the local community. For volunteers who are unable to commit to an ongoing reading or mentoring programme, we have had volunteers participate in ad hoc half day workshops in schools helping them with confidence building and preparing for interviews.

Given our two London offices are based in the Borough of Tower Hamlets we were keen to work with an education charity within our local community. THEBP have been a fantastic partner, making valuable introductions to local schools and have enabled us to really progress with one of our key Community Investment initiatives – Inspiring Young Lives. Our partnership with Tower Hamlets EBP has enabled us to demonstrate our commitment to our local community. The flexibility and wide variety of opportunities for volunteers has meant we have been able to get commitment from staff at all levels over varying periods of time. We receive great feedback from volunteers and the fact so many return to participate year on year, truly demonstrates the satisfaction they get from giving up their time to help and guide others.”

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