Volunteer to Inspire the next generation in your local school or college
Giving time to make a difference to the next generation is important investment for the next generation of recruits. Business professionals from any sector and professions get involved in volunteering through EBP brokerage to visit local schools or colleges. Supporting enterprising activities, careers insight, mentoring or simply to talk about jobs and the routes to a career. Volunteers you talk about what they know so well – themselves and their career and industry. Anyone whether a Chief Executive or an Apprentice – can volunteer.
Why get involved?
Meeting Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) objectives. Give something back and make a difference to the local community
Employee development and engagement – providing volunteering opportunities which enable employees to develop their own skills and increase their motivation. Work with others professionals from different areas with a wide range of skills. Providing volunteering opportunities which enable employees to develop their own skills and increase their motivation.
Pick up new skills and improve existing ones through coaching and mentoring and informing young people. Practise skills learnt in a safe environment.
Addressing skills gaps – Input in designing and delivering programmes/events to raise young people’s aspirations, increase a range of work-related skills and to raise awareness of career opportunities within specific sectors.
Student engagement and attraction – helping businesses raise brand awareness with their future workforce. Help you promote your business and its career opportunities.
Employee development and engagement – providing volunteering opportunities which enable employees to develop their own skills and increase their motivation.
Why use a broker?
A well-managed and highly valued volunteering opportunity well-managed by your local EBP makes it time and impact efficient.
EBPs are well established across the country, experienced at working with schools, colleges, and other business professionals. They help to interpret needs of the schools in order to maximise the time and effort that a business puts into their volunteering. Every encounter will be well briefed and a full evaluation will follow. We evaluate each and every activity that we develop and deliver to provide our partner businesses with feedback on the impact it has had on young people and the difference it has made.
3 steps to get involved…
Find out how your business can get involved, click here