About us:
The AEBP has been re-constituted from EBPn following 18 months of planning and hard work by a small group of EBPn members.
Fifteen years ago, we were represented by the National EBP network – NEBP. Funding was available from central government for a team of full time staff to keep this body at the forefront of careers, enterprise and employability work. We enjoyed conferences, strong communications and lots of opportunities for collaborative regional working. Following the significant 2010 spending review, and by now known as the IEBP, (Institute of Education Business Partnerships) funding was slashed, the organisation closed and the membership were left to fend for themselves.
A group of like- minded and committed EBP managers stayed connected to form EBPn. This met quarterly to continue support for our regions, and despite no funding, managed to keep some of the best features of the National network alive.
Recent work:
In the last 18 months there has been lots of discussion and reflection on how to move the group forwards. Thanks to a grant from the Edge Foundation, and the dedication of 4 EBP CEOs, we have been able to do this. We are in the process of rebranding and refreshing the organisation to make it fit for purpose, supporting and championing your work.
We aim to have a conference in the next 6 months to bring together all Education Business providers who wish to be a part of this exciting organisation. Our specialism of operating on the ground locally has often been overlooked by central policy makers. In re-invigorating our network we intend to put ourselves firmly back in the heart of careers education policy, ensuring that our USP is given a far higher profile.
Current Steering Group Members:
Beryl Henshaw (Chair) – CEO, B & E Together Ltd
Gill Ditchburn – CEO, Sefton EBP
Anne McNulty – CEO, EBP Kent
Helen Sanson – Director, Tower Hamlets EBP (London)