The work of Cornwall Education Business Partnership (EBP) supports young people to develop employability and enterprise skills and make realistic but ambitious plans for their future. Employers can have confidence in their future workforce in rising to the skills challenge, creating the best chances of economic prosperity for all.

For over twenty years Cornwall EBP has successfully delivered motivational programmes to broaden the horizons of young people and raise their awareness of employment opportunities. Through the engagement of business and community groups these programmes have developed personal and teambuilding skills; investigated career choices; prepared employability ‘toolkits’; and sampled employment through ‘taster days’ and work experience. These interventions have increased young people’s self-awareness, self-esteem and motivation and raised awareness of the benefits of lifelong learning.

The wide range of activities and events develop enterprise and entrepreneurship skills; provide opportunities for meaningful work experience, and impartial ‘real world’ careers information which is directly linked to local employment opportunities and key growth sectors. For young people these interventions raise achievement and aspiration; support progression and decision making, and develop employability skills to be ‘work ready’.

Our qualified Project Managers have a wide range of experience, knowledge and skill. Their backgrounds range from business, education and training, youth work and careers advice and guidance.


  • are local and focused on Cornwall’s needs
  • foster wide ranging local business engagement
  • are a nationally recognised organisation
  • are specialists at incorporating business into learning and qualifications
  • provide a complete service for young people becoming ‘work ready’

Our Programmes, Activities and Events include:

  • Key partner in the Ambitions Project: helping unemployed and economically inactive 15 – 24 year olds to explore their skills and career aspirations through a number of activities enabling them to progress into education, employment or training.
  • Management of Work Experience Scheme for Schools
  • Erasmus Plus – a hospitality and catering programme in Brittany and work placements in Paris
  • Nuffield STEM Research Placements – STEM internships for Year 12
  • Employability Skill Development Programmes – supporting progression opportunities for young people in schools or sixth form, accredited with Edexcel Work Skills qualification
  • Enterprise and Entrepreneur Events – teams working together on a business challenge
  • Careers Education Events – ‘Have a Go’ activities, speed networking with employers, interview training, money management etc